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Does jump Crypto have FTX exposure?

Jump's exposure to FTX was managed in accordance with our risk framework and we remain well capitalized. In February 2022, Jump Crypto paid $320 million to bail out token bridge Wormhole after hackers stole $325 million in Wormhole-wrapped ether on Solana.

What happened to crypto giant FTX?

Delaware: Crypto is one of the most uncertain markets in the world and what happened to crypto giant FTX is a testament to that. FTX Trading Limited, which is an affiliated crypto trading firm has recently collapsed and filed for US bankruptcy protection on Friday as it is exploring a way to return money to the users.

What is Aptos labs doing with the Diem blockchain?

In February, Aptos Labs announced plans to bring the Diem blockchain back to life with the goal of creating the “safest and most production-ready blockchain in the world.” Aptos Labs has now raised $350 million this year as it looks to use its technology and programming language, Move.

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